In the wake of heightened hygiene awareness, businesses and health facilities are increasingly turning to automated, touch-free solutions to ensure cleanliness and minimize the spread of germs. One such innovation is the AeroGlove, a patented polyethylene (PE) glove dispenser that provides a sanitary, efficient way to don gloves without manual contact. This blog post will walk you through the installation and use of an AeroGlove dispenser, ensuring you maximize the benefits offered by this cutting-edge technology provided by Hankscraft.

Introduction to AeroGlove

AeroGlove by Hankscraft is a leader in touch-free glove dispensing technology. The dispenser uses an electronic motion sensor to detect hand presence and automatically applies the glove onto the user's hand. The gloves used are biodegradable and FDA-approved for safety and environmental consciousness, making them an ideal choice for a wide range of settings, from healthcare facilities to food service locations.

Step 1: Unpacking and Assembling Your AeroGlove Dispenser

Upon receiving your AeroGlove dispenser, carefully unpack all components. The package should include the dispenser unit, a power adapter, and a roll of PE gloves. Follow these steps to assemble:

  • Position the unit on a stable surface near a power outlet.

  • Install the glove cartridge by opening the dispenser’s compartment and placing the roll inside. Ensure the free end of the glove roll extends towards the dispensing slot.

  • Connect the power adapter to the dispenser and plug it into an electrical outlet.

Step 2: Configuring the Dispenser

The AeroGlove dispenser comes with a few adjustable settings to cater to different hand sizes and preferences:

  • Power on the dispenser using the switch located on the side of the unit.

  • Adjust the sensor settings if available, to customize the sensitivity based on the operational environment.

Step 3: Using the AeroGlove Dispenser

Using the AeroGlove dispenser is straightforward, thanks to its automated, touch-free design:

  • Activate the sensor by placing your hand close to the dispensing area. The built-in electronic motion sensor will detect your hand and activate the dispenser.

  • Wait for the glove to inflate. The dispenser inflates the glove, making it easy to insert your hand.

  • Insert your hand slowly into the inflated glove. The device will automatically adjust to your hand size and release the glove, ensuring a snug fit.

  • Withdraw your hand once the glove is securely fitted.

Step 4: Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Maintaining your AeroGlove dispenser ensures long-term reliability:

  • Regularly check and replace the glove roll as needed.

  • Clean the dispenser unit periodically with a soft, damp cloth to keep the sensor and exterior clean.

  • Troubleshoot basic issues such as power interruptions or sensor malfunctions by consulting the user manual or contacting Hankscraft customer support for assistance.

Step 5: Compliance and Best Practices

To maximize the benefits of your AeroGlove dispenser:

  • Train all users on the proper way to use the dispenser to ensure effective and hygienic glove application.

  • Position dispensers strategically throughout your facility to encourage regular use and easy access.

  • Monitor usage and stock levels to ensure that gloves are always available when needed.


The AeroGlove automated PE glove dispenser is an essential tool for maintaining hygiene in various settings, thanks to its efficient, touch-free operation. By following these steps for installation and use, and taking advantage of the superior quality and support offered by Hankscraft, your organization can enhance safety, reduce cross-contamination, and improve operational efficiency. Embrace the future of hygiene with Hankscraft’s innovative solutions.