In this era of mechanization, the utilization rate of drill cnc machine is gradually increasing. As an automatic machine tool equipped with a program control system, it consists of a processing program carrier, a numerical control device, a servo drive device, a machine tool body and other auxiliary devices. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, in order to meet the development needs of manufacturing production flexibility and manufacturing automation, the intelligence of drill cnc machine is constantly improving. The reasonable selection of drill cnc machine can reduce the probability of failure and improve the utilization rate of machine tools.

Select the drill cnc machine according to the specifications, sizes and accuracy of the product

When selecting the drill cnc machine function, excessive pursuit of drill cnc machine coordinate axis number, workbench and motor power, high machining accuracy, complete functions, the more complex the system is, the lower the reliability. Acquisition costs and maintenance costs will increase, resulting in a corresponding increase in processing costs.

drill cnc machine should be reasonably selected according to the typical parts that need to be machined

Although the drill cnc machine has the characteristics of high flexibility and adaptability, it can only achieve good results when processing certain parts under certain conditions. Therefore, before determining the purchase of equipment, we must first determine the typical parts to be processed.

The choice of numerical control system should be reasonable

It is necessary to consider in detail the numerical control system that can meet the requirements of various performance parameters and reliability indicators, and to consider the ease of operation, programming, maintenance and management. If not special circumstances, as far as possible to choose the unit is more familiar, but also the same manufacturer of the same series of numerical control system, in order to future management and maintenance.

Configure the necessary accessories and tools

In order to give full play to the role of the drill cnc machine and enhance its processing capacity, the necessary accessories and tools must be configured. Do not spend hundreds of thousands or millions of yuan to buy a machine tool, because of the lack of a tens of dollars of accessories or tools can not be used normally, in the purchase of the host together with the purchase of some wearing parts and other accessories.

We also need to fully consider the after-sales service, technical support, personnel training, data matching, software support, installation and commissioning, spare parts supply, tool system and machine tool accessories of the drill cnc machine manufacturer.

drill cnc machine